Cathy Lester's artwork is wonderful. This one is my favorite. If my husband is reading this - John, the sweatshirt would be a perfect present.
Cathy Lester's artwork can be found here http://www.cathylester.com/
Today I tried to pursue my passion. My passion found me laying flat on my back gazing up at the beautiful blue sky with three sheep looking down at me.
Chris had me work her Kelpie, Rosie (who was the the second Kelpie in history to qualify for the Border Collie Handlers Association National Nursery Finals). Our new mission is to have me 'ungreened' when Bonnie is ready to start training. That will be about 6 months or so.
It is going to take me that long to learn how to walk again.
Chris had me working on circling (the line between the sheep and dog, stepping on it, off of it, using my flag to apply pressure and etc). Then we practiced 'sheep sandwich' - which is accomplished by walking backwards and keeping the sheep between the handler and the dog. This helps me learn how to control the pressure the dog is putting on the sheep and how to keep the sheep from running me over - among other things. This typically is a good training method - for people who can walk well backward.
I am not one of those people. Especially not in a field full of mole hills & holes. I need to remember, toe/heel, toe/heel, toe/heel. Not Heel...drag, whoops, hole, falling, oooofff, ooow...oy sheep schmutz :(
Good news: I found muscles in the back of my legs I had forgot existed. Bad news: All the padding on my hiney didn't protect my tail bone.
Tonight...Ibuprofen is my passion.
I did get some decent shots of John working Beth after I managed to hobble my way out to the ryegrass field. One of the guys Chris introduced us to today invited John to enter in a trial next weekend (just for practice!). THEIR FIRST ONE! Woohoo! (I am scared already for him)
John started thinking about it and kinda freaked out in the field. I am not sure what he is doing here - airplane imitation maybe?
Beth said "if you can be an airplane - I can be a bunny!"
The amazing two headed sheep made another appearance today. Beth, thankfully handled it with ease.
Beth was steady, controlled and her outruns have been beautiful.
She has been coming out of her shell and working on her "eye"
Sheep butt close up
Amazing to think that this little girl was a drug detection dog flunkee
Which way did she go?
They make such a good team. Until last year, John had never been around stock in his life. He was a 'city boy'. When you adopt a border collie - a whole lifestyle change sometimes comes in the door with the dog. John simply adores Beth.
Beth's passion is now John's pursuit. All because of love...that's pretty cool.
Yep, very cool. It's all good, isn't it?
Now, where are the Kelpie pics???
Awww... that is so sweet!
John and Beth make a great team! We can't wait to see their new adventures!
Thank you for your comments on our blog. I love reading your blog too. Also thanks for adding us as well. :-)
Great post! had me LOL in places.
Beth is gorgeous... good luck to her and John in the trial.
Learning to walk backwards successfully over rough terrain,is an art form, and one that takes many years of painful pratice! LOL Having a 150 lb great pyr gaurding my sheep and living on my pasture however,has made me learn alot quicker than most, as the thought of falling on one of his plies of poo, is a scary prospect I do not EVEN want entertain the thought of! LOL
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