Thursday, September 15, 2011

Tell me Thursday #9

It is once again time for Crooks & Crazies Tell Me Thursday.

This week Laura would like to know:

1. If you're not at the 2011 Sheepdog finals this weekend what are you planning to do?
Saturday I am picking up 150 lbs of meat (beef, tripe, organ mix & heart) from a butcher who drives up from Oregon.  I am a member of a co-op that puts together massive orders which saves us on price.  Saturday afternoon I am going to watch my husband extending the fence line creating an additional pen/pasture at our field so we can separate the sheep while the ram is here doing his job. While he is working on that I am going to begin construction on a shelter for hay storage, and set the posts for the creep feeder/lamb pen - might as well get that completed before the weather turns yucky.  

Sunday we are going to Longbranch for the "Left Behind" trial at the MacDonalds.  It is the first in the series of winter training trials for our neck of the woods.  I imagine I will be running away from the post at some point with Brynn.  John is going to run Beth in Ranch and Novice/Novice.  I am running Brynn in Ranch and Pro-Novice. 

2. One item you NEVER walk onto the trial field (any trial field, or training class will suffice) without?
My whistle with pink braided kangaroo leather lanyard with pretty beads and silver accents.  I have been looking for a pink crook, alas had to settle for a graphite training stick with a pink handle. 

3. Katy wants to know if you have a pre-run ritual that you observe?
I call it the Three P's.  Panic, Pee, Pill (Ativan)

4. How old were you when you had your first real kiss?
Does accidentally french kissing a cow count?  If yes, 10. 

5. What do you do for yard mud control during the winter?
Mud control in our back yard is going to be harder this year since all the bark/mulch in the flower beds seems to have disappeared and my husband has not seen it as a priority to replace. 

In the past if it is very wet and icky out I will dry each dog as they come through the door.  I keep several towels at the door for that purpose.  Each dog is very good about sitting and letting us wipe them down.  We are lucky to have a covered/dry back porch away from the mud where they spend most of their time while outside.  I like to keep the steps covered with carpet remnants and plenty of bedding in their houses which seems to capture most of the muck before they come inside. 


Laura Carson said...

That's something I've thought about - covering the back porch with some sort of carpet - maybe the indoor outdoor stuff? Hm.

Sounds like you have a crazy busy weekend. Have a blast, and best of luck to you all at the trial!

Doniene said...

I forgot about 'cow kisses' LOL!!! Sounds like you have a busy weekend. Hope your runs go well. Looking forward to an update!!