We all know that Ranger rides the sheepherding short bus. He didn't get the herding 'instinct' gene. Instead he got a big dose of the lesser known Doofus gene. I continue to hope that the light-bulb, however dim...may turn on...
It ain't gonna happen! Ranger's lightbulb has a factory defect.
Below is a photographic series of Ranger's last experience on sheep. Most of these pictures are straight out of the camera, only a few have been cropped and edited a bit. I am shooting everything on manual - which means I am still struggling with over exposing things and getting the right balance between my shutter speeds and aperture. *sigh*
Ranger stays where you put him - because he has no clue what you want him to do. It is sad.
At first it looks like there might be something going on between the pointy ears.
WEEE! Lets chase sheep!
What you can't hear is the WOOF!
Then he gets one separated, and focuses on it. I think they call that HUNTING, not herding.
Hey Ranger...you are supposed to be on the other side of that ewe. Not keeping her from getting back to the rest of the flock.
Ranger might make a good cutting horse in his next life.
Lets try this again...
Oh no...he is doing it again. Cutting one off and chasing it.
Now he is bumping up against her. Keeping her from getting back to the others.
I think that may be the fattest ewe I have ever seen.
Ranger has no clue, he is just following them.
What I am ashamed to admit is that he is trying to smell their butts. Yep, got a good wiff that time.
Here we go again...tries to separate one off
Dude you are totally missing the objective, but he does look cute.
Wrong way Feldman....as he crashes into their butts.
I can always look at the pictures and pretend...
Fantasize about the great sheep dog Ranger used to be...
Prior to his brain injury
The one he got from rear ending a sheep
It was horrible...we had to pop his head out. Lack of oxygen caused brain cell death.
Ahh the artificial memories can make me smile in my old age.
If you had one hundred sheep, and one of the strayed...
...too bad Ranger couldn't help you out.
3 days ago
But he's pretty and he chases tennis balls.....
lol that's awesome...poor, poor ranger
hihihi Ranger and His Sheep uhhh wrong Job.
But He had FUN!!!!
bye bye,Lean&Misty
Grins - and there are certain sled dogs that think running in harness is fun, but pulling??? Please!
It's ok, Ranger, some of us were just born to be cute.
Sheep are so cute. I have this sudden urge to go BBAAAAAAA!
OMG I about DIED laughing reading your commentary! It's OK Ranger...our old boy Ace says herding sheep is just silliness...
Ranger is just trying to sort out one at a time for getting their shots etc. Just think how easy. A corral on one side of the barn and Ranger to bring in one sheep at a time for any needed shots. He just needs to find work where they cut sheep instead of cows.
Ranger is just a 'special' kid on the block, that's it.
He's just darling
In my part of the world, herding isn't called herding, it's called hunting. Just so you know. Ranger can't hunt or herd. But who needs to? He's happy enough pleasing you and helping you to take photos.
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