Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Memory, huh?

An excellent aspect of my job is the sheer amount of physical exercise I get from day to day.  Yesterday I stepped on the scale and have officially dropped 45 lbs since I started this job. 

I am fitting into clothes that were stuffed in the deep recesses of my closet.  Shoes fit better too.  However, no matter how much weight I lose, will I ever shove my feet into high heels again.  No amount of pretty is worth that much pain. 

My wedding ring fits.  Now I have no excuse to not wear it.

I dislike most jewelry, except of course, the few border collie or sheep related items.  

I was invited to a party put on by our pasture owners Saturday.  I believe it was the first time they have seen me clean, make up on and hair done.  Usually I am covered with dog hair, sheep schmaltz, mud, alfalfa and/or other debris.   I put on earrings just for the event.  My ears have been pierced since I was a teenager.  I so rarely wear earrings, my ears hurt for a couple days.

These earrings are from the Ramshorn Studio border collie collection.   

I like them.  Order some today.  

I found my lap again last week. It had been missing for so long I gave up looking for it.  I have never been so far away from the steering wheel.  It feels nice.  I was so surprised I had to take a picture. 

One day I hope to find my hip bones. I believe they are there somewhere, screaming to be uncovered. 

Not unlike an archeological site, every day I find new things.  Things I have not seen in years without the help of a mirror.  Things I thought had fallen off, alas they are still there.  Floppier than I remember. 

Oh well, age is a beautiful thing.  Right?  RIGHT? 

At least age is kind and takes your eyesight with your youth.  That is so when you stand in front of the mirror you will not be overwhelmed by the urge to drown yourself in the toilet.   Mother nature is kind that way.  A permanent gaussian blur.  Until you put your glasses on...then you are screwed. 

Age also takes away the memory and the purpose, or subject of this post.  Because I will be dammed if I remember what it was I was writing about. 

I love sheep.  This is one of my Border Leicester ewes.  Rachel.  She is a pill. 

I love this baby.  She makes me smile every single day.  She is a pill too. 

 Life is good.  Yep, really good. 

1 comment:

Karen said...

What a cutie your granddaughter is!
Much better looking than Rachel:)