Should the pictures in this blog be Large or Extra Large?
I have the option of making the pictures "Large"
or "Extra-Large".
I like to make them "Extra-Large" well, because .... I am Extra-Large and they make me feel smaller.
Truthfully, I just like they way they look, and it didn't occur to me that they might be causing some of you issues. (I am slow that way = Extra Large Head + extra small brain).
I have a HUGE monitor and a blazing fast cable internet connection, so the pictures are not distorted and load very quickly for me.. I truly do not know much about the internet and the way things work - I am an internet idiot.
I would like to choose a format and stick to it. Either Large or Extra Large pictures. So, if you could answer a few questions for me that would be wonderful!
Do the Extra-Large pictures load slower?
Are you able to view all the pictures I post in my blog? Or do some of them not load?
Are the pictures distorted? Does the size of your monitor cut them off on the side?
Do you prefer Large or Extra-Large pictures?
Would you prefer I stop writing anything and shut up for ever?
More pictures less text?
More text less pictures?
Should I make salmon or chicken for dinner tonight?
Do you feel sorry for my husband?
Please post your response in the comments or email me at
Smile Ranger Loves YOU!
2024: The Year in Review
2 weeks ago
X-LARGE please! I think your posts are perfect the way they are. :)
Either size of picture works for me, no trouble loading or being partially cut off.
My only comment is that large takes less scrolling to see the picture that the text above is referring too. I think also that it depends on the picture. Some are probably just fine as large, and some really SHOULD be extra large. Love them either way:)
I have a couple of questions for you, if you don't mind. What template are you using for your blog? Mine is similar, but not quite the same. I also like the spacing between the lines of your text, and can't seem to figure that out for my own blog. I know nothing about HTML, it might as well be arabic to me, if that is where the solution lies.
Oh yeah, I'll take chicken for dinner:)
And why might I feel sorry for John?:)
YES>>>X_LARGE love it and don´t change anything its great uhhh i mean Large...hihihiiin shut-up!!!!
bye bye just having fun,Lean
Karen - I just looked at your blog and I love it! Will be adding a link to it on my sidebar. You asked me what template I use? I believe it is minima stretch. You dont need to know HTML to make the changes in the template that I did, I just jiggered with the colors and etc, then removed a couple of things (border around the header picture etc). Nothing to wonky. Regarding the spacing between the lines of the text - I think I got that by making my font larger. I will go look at what font I am using and the font size and will post it shortly here.
I just added you to my sidebar, but the RSS feed is not working on your blog, so it will not show updates. Do you know how to check that? Make sure it is turned on.
Also the text I use is Verdana, but I am not sure what size it is. I just played with it on the preview page until it looked neat. Finally the template I use is Minima (not stretch). Just Minima - then I changed colors and etc on the Page Elements tab.
Either size is fine. We just love the pics.
I like either size. I waffle back and forth on my own blog re: photo size. I just go with my gut.
You do know that if you click on each it opens them up to their actual size, right? That's the only way to really enjoy them, your photos are gorgeous. Just looking at them in the post, no matter large or xtra-large, it still does not do them justice. You gotta click on them to truly enjoy them.
So there is really no need to make them super huge in your post. If you make them smaller in you can fit more of them and yes, for some with slower internet speeds, the blog will load faster.
Although my comp does not have problems loading the pics, I prefer the large since it is not distorted. In the extra large pictures, I can actually see the pixels. Why? I don't know. Other than that, love the commentary that you do also.
Not at all
I think you have a good mix of pics to text. It’s a supportive cast, yes? :-)
Not at all!
Do the Extra-Large pictures load slower? No
Are you able to view all the pictures I post in my blog? Or do some of them not load? Me & Mom can view ALL your wonderful photos
Are the pictures distorted? No
Does the size of your monitor cut them off on the side? No, but Mom has an EXTRA LARGE Monitor also
Do you prefer Large or Extra-Large pictures? Either, maybe you can surprise us!
Would you prefer I stop writing anything and shut up for ever? NO NO NO! We love your doggies & your photos and your blog!!
More pictures less text? Like it the way it is.
More text less pictures? see our above answer
Should I make salmon or chicken for dinner tonight? Salmon..Mom doesn't like Chicken.
Do you feel sorry for my husband? fact, its quite the opposite cuz he has YOU for an awesome wife!
wags, wiggles & slobbers
My monitor at home cuts off the side of your header and the X-large photos sometimes don't fit. But my work monitor is huge and shows everything just fine.
Chicken please. I don't like fish :)
It is all good, Large or Extra-Large. I really enjoy your blog!
I like either one. They both load the same. I can't use the extra large on my blog as they don't load right. But yours look good on my screen. Just keep those pics comin' they are awesome. Always so crisp and clear love it.
I just KNOW that last photo was meant JUST FOR ME! I love Ranger, too!!!
Do the Extra-Large pictures load slower? Not for me.
Are you able to view all the pictures I post in my blog? Or do some of them not load?
Are the pictures distorted? Does the size of your monitor cut them off on the side? It all looks good to me.
Do you prefer Large or Extra-Large pictures? I agree with Karen.
Would you prefer I stop writing anything and shut up for ever? NO!
More pictures less text? No, just MORE RANGER!!!
More text less pictures? No.
Should I make salmon or chicken for dinner tonight? Chicken (as long as no Salmonella is involved!)
Do you feel sorry for my husband? Only sometimes.
X-Large pics are just fine here. They load just fine and I can see them without being cut off or distortion. Don't change a thing!
The photos look great, and I like them extra large.
And yes! I feel sorry for John. Be nice to him.
the bigger the better, honey.
oh, and make Salmon.
EXTRA LARGE!! They are awesome pics!!! Love them! :)
Prefer Large but will look at either.
We have wireless but only 512 kb so usually when I come to your blog I need to go and do something like sweep the kitchen floor while it loads and then there are still one or two pix that only are a quarter loaded. In this area to get faster internet, it is $90 per month just for internet and that is out of our budget.
Love the pix and stories.
Whatever mood you're in! But the portrait photos in extra large can't be seen sometimes and bits are cut off. Ether way is fine!
Most of the time I read your blog before sleep on my iPhone with Google reader which scales all bloggs very nicely so the text and photos fit in the small window. If not on the iPhone than on my 23" iMac both devices the photos look stunning, no cutting off on either one. Not the large ones but also not on The extra large ones.
I have my hands on a pre-ordered iPad so in 2 weeks I can see them in a lager screen when reading in bed!
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