Quick quick quick post.
I have been messing around with the blog design, as if you couldnt tell.
See the new header I designed? I am quite proud of it. The sheep on the bottom are actually sheep I painted on another piece, photographed, made black and white...then dodged and burned them onto the background. The border collie in each corner is a photograph of Brynn working!
Now I am tired, very tired. My hands are cramping, I have a headache from Haiti...and drank all the Irish Cream.
But my blog is pretty. At least I think it is pretty...and it goes with my Look Back Photography website too!
So, here is my question. Does anything look funky? Can you read everything? Are things hanging off the page? Is the blog loading okay?
I added this funky Facebook widget at the top - I think it is slowing down the blog from loading. If even one person says that it is not loading okay...it is GONE!
Let me know what you think. I am going to continue to play with it and have a gal working on the actual blog design behind the scenes too - more changes are a'coming round the pike! Stay tuned.
3 days ago
And you have every right to be proud, the header looks stunning!
Nothing's falling off here, I can read everything. One thing though - and I hope I'm not spoiling things for other readers by saying this - but things did take quite some time to load. Maybe because of the FB thing, maybe not, but normally I don't have any trouble with your blog.
It looks great!! It loaded for me without a problem.
Looks fab-oosh! I can read everything and it loaded fine for me.
You should really consider adding blog header design to your site! You did a great job on that. (Read: I would pay GOOD MONEY for someone to design a great header for my stockdog blog! I am photoshop challenged!!)e
No problems loading here... and your blog's STUNNING!
Loads fine. Now along with Look Back Photog you can add Blog/Web design :0)
Loaded fine for me and it looks great! Love the "+Ranger". :)
It looks good. It loaded fine and the format looks good. The links seem to work.
I think it is pretty cute Ranger gets his own billing. It should be RANGER+ 4 Border Collies. Doesn't he headline the act ;)
It looks great!! It loaded without any problems for me.
I agree with Erin, shouldn't Ranger get top billing? LOL ;^)
Facebook Networked Blogs widget is GONE! Thanks Julie!
Ranger is in a class all by himself...he is a BC but then he isn't. (Truthfully he cant have top billing - cuz I would have to change the stinkin' url and I am just not up for that!) ;)
Hi Carolynn,
Great header!, and the blog loaded fine for me, even with the facebook thingy.
I had switched my own blog to a grey background, and someone told me that they didn't like it, it was too depressing, so I changed it. It does make a good background though for those black and white dogs:)
When you first changed the colours, I found the light blue on the side bar, particularly on the Blog roll, well maybe the combination of the light blue and white text a bit hard on the eyes. I think I'm kind of used to it now though.
And my first impression of the font when I saw the Look Back Photography icon was that I didn't like the 'dripping' letters. For some reason made me think of Halloween or horror or blood or something.
Overall though it looks fantastic, and very professional looking, and I can only imagine the hours you've spent playing around with it, because I know how much time I've frittered away....
love it. the header is gorgeous!
It looks fabulous!
I love the changes. That banner must have taken forever to design. I like the writing font since it has a "western feel" to it, with a dash of "frosty ice." Hope that makes sense. Instead of thinking Halloween, I was thinking ice.
I also like the way Ranger gets his own special mention. The overall design of the site would certainly make me stay and explore the site further if I were a first-time visitor.
I'm amused that Ranger is the +1. :c)
I'm loving it. Very refined and calming. Loaded fine for us too. The header is very nice. I am envious of your Photoshop talents.
Love it! And everything loaded and looks great.
The header is awesome and the blog loaded quickly and cleanly for me.
Looks very professional Carolynn. You did a wonderful job!
One think I don't like and that is not just you but a lot of other bloggers have it as well and that is the Live Traffic Widget. It gives me a creepy feeling like someone is stalking me. It knows where I'm from, my IP address probably, how late I arrived, how long I stayed and lord knows what else. I really don't know why people are using that, is it just for fun or do you want to track people that visit your blog? Well I finally had a chance to ask someone, thanks for the opportunity! :-)
Header is superb! and it didn't experience any problem in loading.
Platinum Canine Suppliments
Lovely Header :-)
Tink, I like that little widget...it is harmless really. I cant find your IP address, or anything else. It is nice to be able to see where people are coming from, for example: if another blogger has linked to me, or posted something on FB etc - so I can either link back to them or thank them...and in many cases know if someone has written something about my blog. I have had a couple of reviews that I found just by keeping a eye on my feedjit and have been able to locate them, otherwise I wouldn't know a thing. I also enjoy seeing the many countries people live in who visit among other things...it can be fun and helpful at the same time. If you do not like it I believe you can block it - or at least remove your visit from each hit.
I love you new blog design! You are an amazing artist.
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