Honey (bottom front) this trusting teddy is 8" tall, has Plastic Pellets, Simulated Mohair, Suede Paw Pads, French Embroidery Thread and Wobble Joints.
Honey was perched on our fireplace mantle, well out of the dogs reach - or so we thought.
Sweet trusting Honey is no more...
This afternoon I found Honey's face staring up at me from between blades of grass...her small disembodied teddy bear head was recently liberated after making her long arduous journey through Ranger
No other evidence of her demise remains...obstruction mystery solved.
RIP Honey
(NOTE: the size of Honey's head was mere 1 inch diameter. Not to big...just the right size to get stuck yet still make it out...some other body parts emerged this evening on the kitchen floor - much to Ranger's dismay - poor guy had a sneak attack of, well you know.... Slowly but surely Honey is being returned to us...*sigh* ewwwww)
Oh my goodness!! RANGER??!! How COULD you!?!
Rest in peace, dear Honey.
Honey, so glad to see you!
Holy Cow! He's lucky he survived! That is just amazing, but I'm glad he's going to be ok now. Our condolences to the Bear family.
I like pulling the stuffing out of stuffed toys and leaving it all over the garden...
Wizz :-)
O.M.G. hahahahahaa, poor Ranger...and poor Honey!
I'm so proud of Ranger for doing his best to return Honey to you. Something tells me that the reassembly process might be a little unpleasant!
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